Thursday, December 13, 2012

Opt-In all your Customers

The Great eXtender Transition

To ensure a smooth transition for your customers as eXtender transitions form Microsoft to eOne there are a couple things you need to do. 

Step 1: OPT-IN for your Customers
What does this mean: 

Microsoft have some strange privacy laws that precludes them tell eOne who our own eXtender customers are. To get around this and ensure you customers are current on maintenance and have access to eXtender releases, patches and service packs - you need to tell us who your customers are.

When you OPT-IN you are simply asking Microsoft to tell eOne which of your customers currently use eXtender. Microsoft will tell us who they are, when they purchased and when their annual maintenance plan is due. We will honor the current paid up maintenance period, and issue renewal notices when your customers annual enhancement is coming due.

There are three different ways you can opt in for your customers.

OPT-IN Method 1:  Partners

Send an email to  requesting that you would like to OPT-IN for all your customers.  This will be all you need to do and your transition will be complete.  Below is an example of the email you need to send.

Dear GP Operations team at Microsoft

On behalf of (insert reseller name) with a partner number of (insert partner number) we would like OPT-IN on behalf of all our customers that own the module Microsoft Dynamics GP eXtender.

Please share all the relevant information with eOne to ensure a seamless transition for our customers to eOne.

Best Regards


OPT-IN Method 2: Partners and Customer
Use this link to opt in for a specific customer. This method is a good option if you only have a few customers  - but I would use Option Number 1 if you have more customers than that.

OPT-IN Method 3:

Pass the details of OPT-IN method 2 on to your customers for them to complete. The better idea is for VAR's to look after this on behalf of their customers.

Step 2: Sign up as an eOne Partner (Save $2000)

The second step in the process is to ensure you are signed up as an eOne reseller. Most active Dynamics GP partners are already resellers of eOne - but if you are one of those that arenot yet signed up then follow this link to complete your resellerdocumentation.

To Learn More about the Process.

eOne is holding a number of Webinars where we will discuss the plans and process around the eXtender transition. In this session we will cover:

  1. Why the decision was made?  
  2. The Transition Process Step by Step.
  3. What it means for customers and Partners.
  4. New Features for eXtender 2013.
  5. Promotions available during the transition.
  6. Pricing and Ordering
  7. Paying AEP for eXtender Customers
  8. and heaps of time for Q & A.

To sign up for this session please check out the details here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Job Description

Job Description - eXtender Guru

This role requires someone who knows everything there is to know about Microsoft Dynamics GP eXtender, including instant recall of the names of all the tables eXtender uses. A deep and well rounded knowledge of SmartList Builder, Excel Reports, Excel Report Builder and drill down builder is also a prerequisite.

The right person must also be an experienced trainer, be able to provide top class phone support, be comfortable presenting in front of large audiences, have a will to learn, a can do attitude and attention to detail.  A minimum of 10 years working with Dynamics GP is non negotiable.

Recruiters always tell me that you can never get all the things you want in a single person – you have to find a best fit.  Well I proved them wrong.

I am delighted and excited to welcome Nicole Albertson to the eOne team. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tech Tuesday: eXtender 2013 – What’s Coming?

There are a number of new and exciting changes to announce at eOne and you get a two for one in this Tech Tuesday article! First of all, please join us in welcoming Nicole Albertson to the eOne team. Nicole comes to us after 13 ½ years at Microsoft. She is a SmartList Builder and Extender guru as she has been focusing on those products since they were available on the Microsoft price list. Nicole brings with her a wealth of knowledge and we are excited to have her on our team. She will focus on all things Extender and run some of our new training offerings.

Here’s Nicole’s first of many Tech Tuesday articles, which shares the awesome new features in Extender 2013:

All features marked with an asterisk are only available in eXtender Enterprise.

1. Solutions
eXtender Resources are now organized into Solutions.
To preserve the integrity of the solution and try to prevent issues when transferring the setups between companies, you will only be able to import and export an entire solution.
You will be able to share resources between solutions using the Add To Solution window.  This link the resources together so that any setup change you make on the resource in one solution, will be reflected in the other solution as well.

You will also be able to copy resources from one solution to another and then customize them in each solution individually.
2. Improved User Interface
The processes involved in setting up a window or form is now a lot simpler.
To add a field to a window or form, select the position that you want to add a field (which is indicated by a red border) and click Add Field or Add Calc.
All of the field options that you need to set up the field are displayed on the dialog window. There is no longer a need to go to separate options windows for each field.
Moving fields is now done directly on the main window with Move Up and Move Down buttons for Windows and Move Up, Down, Left and Right buttons for Forms.
Fields can be made required by selecting the field and selecting the Required button. When a field is required, it is displayed in Bold. Fields can similarly be made hidden with the Hide button. Hidden fields are displayed in grey.
3. Default keys
The Key fields will now default on eXtender Windows for some of the common Microsoft Dynamics GP windows.
Keys default for the following windows:
·         Customer Maintenance
·         Customer Inquiry
·         Customer Address
·         SOP Entry (header and lines)
·         SOP Inquiry (header and lines)
·         Vendor Maintenance
·         Vendor Summary
·         Vendor Address
·         Item Maintenance
·         Item Inquiry
·         Employee Maintenance
·         Employee Summary
·         Employee Inquiry
·         Position Maintenance
·         Department Maintenance
·         Batch Entry
·         Checkbook Maintenance
·         Account Maintenance
·         Unit Account Maintenance
·         Variable Allocation Account Maintenance
·         Account Summary
·         GL Transaction Entry
·         Budget Maintenance
·         Salesperson Maintenance
·         Sales Territory Maintenance
·         Inventory Transaction Entry (header and lines)
·         Inventory Transaction Inquiry (header and lines)
·         Inventory Transfer Entry (header and lines)
·         Sales Transaction Entry
·         Sales Transaction Inquiry
·         Payables Transaction Entry
·         Payables Transaction Inquiry
·         PO Entry (header and lines)
More defaults and other dictionaries (Field Service, Project Accounting, Manufacturing, Fixed Assets) will be added in later versions.
4. Adding lists and note types
This feature allows users to add list items and note types by entering a comma or carriage return delimited list.
When you click on the Add button to add a list item or note type, you will get the following screen:
You can enter the values directly or cut and paste lists from other applications such as Excel. The values are parsed into a list of items.
5. Detail grids are now options on Windows and Forms
There is no longer a separate concept for Detail Forms and Detail Windows. There is now just an option to add a detail grid to a form or window.
During the upgrade process, all existing detail windows and forms will be recreated as windows and forms and will then use the scrolling grid option.
6. New actions*
To reduce the amount of code that is required, new actions have been created to replace common coding scenarios:
·         Open eXtender Form – opens any eXtender form
·         Close eXtender Form – closes the current form or window
·         Open Dynamics GP Form – opens any Dynamics GP form
·         Open SmartList – opens any SmartList
·         Set Field Values – sets multiple field values on a form
·         Display dialog – displays a prompt and up to 3 buttons, clicking on any of the buttons can trigger another action.
·         Run macro – runs a Dynamics GP macro
More action types will be added in later versions, including Run SmartConnect map.
7. More trigger points for actions*
Actions can now be triggered from:
·         Field change
·         Field entry
·         Field exit
·         Open form
·         Open window
·         Print
·         Save record
·         Delete record
·         Window menus
·         Right-click menu
·         New buttons on form toolbars (web-client only)
All of these options are available on eXtender and Dynamics GP forms and field values can be read from eXtender or Dynamics GP windows to pass as parameters to the actions.
8. Improved scripting*
The enter script windows (Enter Dynamics GP script and Enter SQL script) have been simplified to work the same way that the Enter Calculated Field window works. A list of fields can be double-clicked to add to the script. In the background, parameters are automatically created and at runtime, those parameters are read and replaced in the script.
Have questions or comments on the new features? Want to share your excitement? Feel like welcoming Nicole to the team? Email

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tech Tuesday - SmartList and SmartConnect

In this article we are going to take a look at a unique data source for SmartConnect, SmartList. Using SmartConnect a user can pull open a list or favorite and run a map right from the SmartList window.

There are a couple things that need to be setup in order for this to run. First, the SmartConnect web service needs to be installed in the environment and its URL needs to be entered in the SmartConnect setup window. Second, the SmartConnect GP components (the dictionary) needs to be installed on the GP client machine the user will want to run the SmartList map from.

Once that setup is done and configured we can setup any maps that are needed and run any maps that are already setup directly from the SmartList window. To set up a map you will want to pull up the list or favorite we want to use as a data source and hit the Additional -> Create/Update List option. This will add the list to SmartConnect to be used as a data source. When you go into SmartConnect you can set up the Bulk Data Source -> SmartList data source type and you should see any lists in there you added and create a map based off of it.

Once the map setup is complete users can run the map using the Additional -> SmartConnect Run menu item when they have the correct list open. Now, SmartList based maps can only be run from the SmartList window when the user opens the list and it populates with data. It cannot be run from inside the SmartConnect interface as we haven't pulled the actual data out of the list and into SmartConnect, we just use the data that SmartList pulls back on the screen when we run it from inside of GP.

The great thing about this data source is we can do all the filtering needed through their favorites or restrictions (or lists built with SmartList Builder) and then just run the map to complete the action required. A good example of this is using a list to pull back customers over their credit limit and then running the map right from there to set all their statuses to hold. There are many other examples similar to this one that can simplify tasks trigger off workflow type processes in this manner.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Release Dates

One of the things eOne has always prided itself on has been that we release our products on or before the date Microsoft make new releases.

With the release of GP 2013 and more specifically the GP web client -  we have been put in a situation where we are not going to be able to live up to our own standards. We are still unable to release solid release dates for our products given the unknown unknowns we face!

SmartList Builder:  Will be released to coincide with the general release of 2013.
Extender Standard: Target date is mid to late January which will include web client support
Extender Enterprise:  Target date is mid to late January which will include web client support
Flexicoder: Will be released to coincide with the general release of 2013.
SmartView: Will be released to coincide with the general release of 2013.
SmartPost: Target date is mid to late January.
Node Builder: Target date is mid to late January 2013. This will be a major upgrade release.
SmartConnect: Target date is mid to late January.

Please take not of the above when planning upgrades for your clients to GP 2013. If you client uses eXtender (and we know they all do - or certainly should) do not plan your upgrade prior to the end of Jan 2013.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tech Tuesday - Calling the SmartConnect Web Service

For this week we have a little more content than normal for our tech article. Chris Dew has put together a couple of Visual Studio projects along with a map so developers can take a look at how to run maps from our web service in their own programs:

We are seeing more developers wanting to use SmartConnect and eConnect and they are finding the use of our webservice one of the best ways to quickly roll out solutions that need to push instead of pull when it comes to integration with Dynamics GP and CRM.

Last month we introduced the new Excel GL Template that calls our web service from VBA. This week we will explore calling two methods of our web service from C# or VB.NET. I won’t go into the specifics of the code here because you can download the code as Visual Studio projects that will work on Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 from the link below:

Web Service Sample

There are two main methods that you will want to use, RunMap and RunMapWithDataTable. The RunMap method of the web service is very simple, the only parameter it accepts is a SmartConnect Map ID. This will then run the specified map with whatever the data source was configured (ie. Excel Sheet, Text File, SQL table). The second function, RunMapWithDataTable, accepts two parameters. The first parameter is the SmartConnect Map ID like the previous method but the second parameter is the XML representation of the data you want. What does this mean? Well, now you can overwrite the data source for the map and use your own. This means that even a map that was configured to use a data source of Excel can now push data from a website. The main requirement is that the columns you pass in must match the originally configured data source.

We will have a new web service coming out next year that will have some additional features on requesting information and returning it to your application so stay tuned for that.

Again, we always appreciate your feedback on what we are providing so let me know!

Chris Dew

Thursday, October 25, 2012

eXtender share price doubles over night!

I have been contacted by a number of resellers in the last few weeks who were very excited - if not a little agitated!!

They are saying things like " Our clients are excited about the web client and really want to use it. BUT we have had VB customizations in place for many years and none of that will upgrade to the web. In addition we built some .net code just last year - and it will not upgrade either!! So our consultants have decided to do the whole thing in eXtender as its the only configuration tool that works. "

So why have shares in eXtender gone through the roof in the last few weeks:
  1. Works with Web client: eXtender solutions will work with the Dynamics GP 2013 web client. This means that all the eXtender configurations will upgrade seamlessly.
  2. Extender Enterprise Logic: Logic can be embedded just about anywhere in Dynamics GP.  Logic is really simplified dex code without the need for compiling code, building dictionaries, upgrades etc.   So whether it is on opening a form, printing a document, saving a record, entering a field, exiting a field, if you changed a field etc you can have extender execute your logic code. 
  3. Logic goes Web: With the 2013 web client - all logic code will continue to trigger and execute just like it would in the windows client.
  4. eXtender works with SmartConnect: Take the data you capture in eXtender and use SmartConnect to generate more data within Dynamics GP. e.g. You capture details at a sales order level and when you posit it you need to create a service contract. SmartConnect grabs the SOP details and extender details and auto generates a contract.  No Code programming.
  5. One Stop Dev: Develop once - without a developer!! One set of customization that works seamlessly in regular GP as well as the web client.

So you can not write dex logic scripts!! The good news is that there are plenty of developers that can - and so can the team here at eOne.  Your job is to understand the need, document it and let us do the rest.

The next question we are asked is "so how on earth did Microsoft let you take the code back out of the OEM-  right when every GP customer is going to need it . . . ".  

Watch out for the upcoming extender tech/dev level training where we will teach you everything you need to know. If you want more info email me at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Extender OEM


eOne and Microsoft have mutually agreed that from the release of Microsoft Dynamics 2013 the Dynamics GP eXtender module will no longer be available via Microsoft.

In 2006 eOne granted Microsoft the rights to market, sell and support Dynamics GP eXtender and Dynamics GP SmartList Builder via an OEM agreement. Under this agreement One has continued to perform all development and quality assurance for both of these modules, as well as provide marketing and support escalation services to Microsoft.

During this years annual review of this OEM agreement it was mutually decided that it would be best to withdraw Dynamics GP eXtender from this agreement. You may ask why?

There are a number of reasons behind our decision to not renew the extender OEM agreement.
  1. Development: Working within the OEM we were limited to Microsoft protocol as to additional functionality we were able to add to eXtender. We are now able to remove our blinkers and be as creative as we like to be at eOne - to add all the functionality we dream up.
  2. Web Client: With the upcoming GP web client we saw a world of potential for how we can enhance eXtender to provide a great deal more flexibility. Outside of the OEM agreement we are able to make much more regular releases and not need to ask for Microsoft approval to add functionality.
  3. Two Versions: For the past 6 years we have maintained 2 separate products (Dynamics GP Extender and eXtender Enterprise). Strangely both products used the same extud dictionary which was a little confusing during upgrades. This move has allowed us to combine everything into a single set of code to simplify development and at the same time simplify upgrades.
  4. Tighter Integration: eOne is passionate about making ALL our products work together within the eOne stack. Inside the OEM agreement it was not possible to build in specific functionality to suppot non-OEM eOne products.  We are now able to significantly improve the integrations between eXtender, SmartConnect, SmartView and other upcoming eOne products.
  5. Contract Reviews: While we had these thoughts going on regarding development direction, Microsoft went through their cylce of thinking 'we should review and make changes to our OEM contracts'. We took this opportunity to say OK  - lets make it easy and we will make our customers happy by taking eXtender back back in house at eOne.
Why I thought this was a good idea and the best result for eOne, our customers and Microsoft?
  1. Good for eOne: I'll be honest - outside of the OEM we no longer have to share our revenue with Microsoft!
  2. Good for Microsoft: The OEM agreement has really achieved it goals.  Extender sells standard with most new GP sales and is used widely by partners to differentiate Dynamics GP from other ERP solutions. There are many thousands for eXtender customers. Given Microsoft GP resellers know the product so well they will continue to use eXtender as a major differentiator to sell more GP. Microsoft will also benefit from new creative features that will ensure our partners can differentiate GP even further from its competitors. This results in more sales of GP.
  3. Good For Resellers: Extender gets better fatser and easier to deploy and upgrade. The only difference is that AEP is paid to eOne and not Microsoft.
  4. Good for Customers: Really no change at all for existing customers - other than the product will get better faster.
As you can see this is a win/win situation for everyone.

What do resellers and customers need to do?
  1. Stay tuned for more process announcements from both Microsoft and eOne
  2. If you are not already an eOne reseller (not sure why you would not be) then you need to sign up with us as soon as possible. There is a $2,000 sign on fee for partners but this has been waived for any partner that signs on before April 2013.
  3. Customers and Partners will receive communication regarding an 'opt in' process that will transfer all your eXtender related information from Microsoft to eOne. (purchase dates, contacts, AEP dates etc).  As a reseller you will be able to check a box that ensures all your current eXtender customer information is transferred to eOne in one go. This means that as soon as you are signed up as a reseller you will be able to place orders and make AEP payments online via our website.  
The Good News
eOne and Microsoft are going to do everything to ensure this process is simple and seamless. Existing customers who are current on AEP will transition 'free'. The product remains unchanged so you have no compatibility or upgrade issues. So really everything will remain 'same old' but you will find eXtender gets better faster.

In November/December we will hold some informational webinars regarding the process and will be able to answer any questions you may have.  Keep an eye out for those sessions and be sure to sign up as they will have lots of time allotted to Questions and Answers.

You can read the microsoft announcement on Partnersource here

Yours in selling more Dynamics GP


Visit us at the GPUG & CRMUG Summits in Seattle

So where are we now?? We’re spending our week in downtown Seattle, WA for the Dynamics Communities Summit 2012 event for GPUG and CRMUG. (Haven’t heard about it? It’s a great community to join!)Although the rain doesn’t seem to stop, it’s “nothin’ but sunshine” when we get to share our passion for improving GP and CRM with our customers and partners.

Not only will we be spending time in the eOne booth (#342), we’re also presenting a number of sessions and would LOVE to have you join us if you’re in here:

·         Wednesday, October 17th at 10 am: Enhancing Your Use of SmartList with Microsoft GP

·         Wednesday, October 17th at 11:15 am: Make GP Do Things You Have Never Dreamed of Without Writing Code

·         Wednesday, October 17th at 2 pm: Eliminating IM, Enhancing SmartList, and Making GP Hassle-Free

·         Wednesday, October 17th at 3:30 pm: Excel Report Builder – How2

·         Thursday, October 18th at 8 am: SmartList Builder Deep Dive Insights

·         Friday, October 19th at 11 am: Make Microsoft Dynamics GP Fit Your Business with the Extender Challenge

Last year at the Summit, we received awesome feedback from our partners about the fantastic solutions they’ve been able to create on behalf of their customers. (Check out some of the video testimonials here.) We’re looking forward to hearing more testimonials and sharing them with you.

So, if you’re in Seattle, stop by and see us!

All the best to you today!

Are you a partner or customer that has a testimony to share about eOne products? Email me ( with the story or even a video of you sharing – I’d love to hear from you!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tech Tuesday - New Excel Template (Again)

Hey everyone, I have some great news from our services manager Chris Dew involving our Excel templates again. I made a post a while back on them but we held off on releasing anything until we were able to add a couple more features to it that we think everyone will really be able to make use of:

We are very excited to finally release our new Excel GL Templates for SmartConnect! We had three major goals for this release:
    1. Remove the reliance on SOAP
    2. Prevent Data Entry errors
    3. Configurable without coding

    The past templates have had a reliance on the Microsoft SOAP SDK that was used for calling the SmartConnect webservice from VBA. Microsoft has discontinued this support a long time ago and with this new release we can now simplify the install process of the templates to just copying the Excel sheet where you need on the network. This also allows us to support 64-bit environments for Office.

    One of the largest uses of the Excel templates is copying data from other sheets. Excel will often display only two decimal places but behind the scenes there could be 15 decimal places and oftentimes rounding errors would occur in larger journal entries. We have added logic to handle that rounding for you so copy and paste away!

    I think my favorite new feature to report is the easy configuration of the new template. You can now dynamically change the amount of rows without changing any of the code. Also, we locked the totaling row for the debits and credits so you can always see the balance. This was one of the most common customizations we did for our partners and customers and now you won’t need us anymore!

    We have locked down the code in the template to ensure the delivery of the solution. Additionally, we updated the documentation for the template. If you would like to add some additional functionality to the template please feel free to contact me ( and our services team can help you design a custom template.

    As always, we welcome your feedback. We have plans to roll out a lot of these changes to the other 11 templates available today (over the next couple of months) and may release a generic template that is unlocked as well. Please let us know if you have additional ideas for new templates or features.


    Chris Dew

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Our "Big 5"...

    Some of you may have heard that a few of our team members are currently journeying through the African safari. (Not the “I’m in Africa on safari” excuse to avoid emails, they really are there!) Martin and one of our SmartConnect developers, Ruaan, decided to eliminate another item from their “bucket lists” and dirt bike through South Africa, with the hopes to see the “Big 5” on the way. While they are away, the rest of us at eOne are holding down the fort and hoping they won’t get EATEN by something they come across. (I mean, we do have to release SmartConnect 2013 in just a few short months!) Although they may be excited about their journey, they are missing out on some exciting things back at eOne. So, while they’re missing out – you don’t need to at all. Here is our “Big 5” list for the next few weeks:

    1.     eXtremeCRM2012: We are beyond excited to participate in the CRM partner-focused event in Las Vegas next week. This is our first year as a sponsor of the event and we look forward to connecting with both familiar and new faces in the CRM world. We’ll be showing SmartConnect at our booth (T9), but if you’re attending and you’d like a private, sit down meeting with the team just let me know. We’ll have a SmartConnect developer (Kevin Jones), consultant (Chris Hanson), and yours truly there and we’d love to grab a meal, a coffee, or just move away from the expo hall and help answer your integration questions. Drop me a line ( and let’s get something on the schedule!
    2.     GPUG SummitIn mid-October we’ll be heading to Seattle, WA to sponsor one of our favorite events – the GP User Group Summit. This event brings together GP customers and partners and provides them with sessions to dive deep into the GP product, learn from other users, and find out the best solutions available from multiple vendors in the channel. We have the privilege of presenting a number of sessions at the event, so please join us:

    ·         Wednesday, October 17th at 10 am: Enhancing Your Use of SmartList with Microsoft GP
    ·         Wednesday, October 17th at 11:15 am: Make GP Do Things You Have Never Dreamed of Without Writing Code
    ·         Wednesday, October 17th at 2 pm: Eliminating IM, Enhancing SmartList, and Making GP Hassle-Free
    ·         Wednesday, October 17th at 3:30 pm: Excel Report Builder – How2
    ·         Thursday, October 18th at 8 am: SmartList Builder Deep Dive Insights
    ·         Friday, October 19th at 11 am: Make Microsoft Dynamics GP Fit Your Business with the Extender Challenge
    3.     CRMUG Summit – The CRM User Group Summit is being held in mid-October in Seattle, as well. We will be available to discuss SmartConnect in the expo hall or during the sessions and would love to take time to meet you at the event. Let me know if you’d like to sit down with the team and talk about all things CRM integrations!

    4.     Excel Template Improvements: Previously all of our Excel templates have required a SOAP toolkit download in order to call the SmartConnect web service. That toolkit is no longer supported through Microsoft, so we have redesigned the VBA behind it to call our web service without needing any additional files. We will release the first fix on our GL Journal Entry template shortly and will roll out the fix on the remaining templates this fall. Watch for the Tech Tuesday article next week for more information! If you have questions, reach out to

    5.      WEBSITE: In just a few short weeks we will be rolling out a brand new website. Not only will it be “aesthetically pleasing,” but highly functional. I’ll post another article when we release the site, but in the meantime here are some of the new things I know you’ll love:

    ·        Support: Simply submit your support issue online and you’ll instantly be added to our support queue. Not only that, but we’ve added a Support Forum and Support Blog where you can join in on product discussions and learn from fellow users.
    ·       Knowledge Base: We’ve updated the knowledge base section so you’ll be able to do a quick word search to access the thousands of tech articles we have designed to help you, our customers and partners.
    ·       Payment Options: This is one of my favorite updates as it allows partners to login, easily process an order, prorate the renewal date, purchase discounted maintenance plans and more.
    ·       Renewals: When viewing your renewals you will have the option to sort by customer, by expiration date, send yourself a quote or make the payment right there on the spot.
    ·       Reg Keys: As usual, reg keys will be available as soon as the order it placed, but you now have the option to send the keys out to an email address of your choice, as well. You can also send multiple versions of the keys.
    ·       Videos, Screenshots, Visuals: The website has a ton of video demos embedded, screenshots of key products, and visuals to help you understand the products further.

    Watch for the website to be released by the end of October!
    Do you have a “Big 5” list for the next few weeks or months? Any thoughts on our “Big 5”? Drop me a line at to share! I’d love to hear from you.