Thursday, February 27, 2014

Transition Plus Webinar Series through GPUG

We're pleased to share that we'll be participating in GPUG's OneSource Education Hub's newest series: Transition Plus. During our sessions, you'll learn about the Benefits of using SmartList Builder, see New Features available for GP 2013, and learn how to go beyond SmartList Builder - making reporting easy. 

Take a look at GPUG's announcement here or view the series schedule here and sign up to attend! You won't want to miss it!  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tech Tuesday: Real-Time Folder Data Source

Today's Tech Tuesday is from our support guru David Youngquist, who has provided a solution when the real-time folder data source doesn't seem to be working in SmartConnect.

This article is to assist you if you are attempting to set up a SmartConnect Real-Time folder data source and notice that the files are not being processed and nothing really seems to be happening. I have listed the three requirements that need to be met when using a Real-Time folder data source:

1. The folder source must exist on the machine where you have the SmartConnect Windows scheduling service installed. The SmartConnect windows service is what monitors the folders for files being added on it.

2. Mapped drive letters or UNC pathnames are not allowed. Since the folder must exist on the machine hosting the SmartConnect window service, the drive mappings must all be local drives on the machine.

3. The "Template File" cannot be in the same directory as the actual source files. You need to have the template file for the map in a different directory than the source files.

Want to learn more about our software? Be sure to search our Knowledge Base for updated KB articles!

Monday, February 24, 2014

New Favorite Feature in SmartView

I have a new favorite feature in SmartView that I only just re-discovered. I suspect many of you are also unaware of this great little feature.

Today I wanted to see exactly how many annual enhancement renewals we have processed at eOne so far this calendar year. My first instinct was to use the drop down filter to choose the item codes I wanted included like this (see below). I was going through to select every product that was a renewal. 

Then I thought that there has to be better way to get that I needed in this report. And then I remembered that there is.Under Options you need to turn on the Auto Filter Row option as shown below. 

This adds an extra line at the top of each column. What you type into the field above the column will become a text filter for the data. So first off I typed in ‘renewal’ but this gave me no records at all. So I tried using ‘*renewal’ and kabam! I had exactly what I was looking for.  A list of every renewal for 2014. Note you can also use a + and – as other wildcard restrictions. (

The next step was to add a total at the bottom to give me the count I wanted. I won’t show that screenshot as it is somewhat confidential!I then proceeded to group the data to get a feel for what I was seeing:

1. First by Product to see how many more SLB renewals there were than Extender and SmartConnect.
2. Second was by customer (reseller) to see which reseller was processing the most renewals with eOne.

So SmartView proves again why it is my favorite little tool that helps me do my job better and faster.

If you are interested in learning more about SmartView check out our demo videos here and email!